Save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross. […] He saved others; Himself He cannot save.—Matthew 27:40, 42

The people who watched Jesus die on the cross were typical human beings. If Jesus was God’s Son, they believed that it was logical for Him to focus on Himself. Any other course, to them, demonstrated that He was a fraud. Ironically, these observers identified the one thing that made Jesus so different: He did not live to please Himself or to be rich, famous, powerful, or live a long life. He lived to serve the Father and deny Himself. Jesus reminded them of principles found in nature, that the only way a grain of wheat can produce much grain is to fall into the ground and die. In a similar way, “He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (John 12:24–25). Jesus became our example. He did have the power to save others, but that salvation was possible because He died on the cross. Because of His death, our sins can be forgiven, and we can live with Him forever! Because of His death, we can have victory and eternal life! The world expects us to be self-centered. They do not understand any actions that are not based on this objective. But God wants us to live lives of sacrifice, service, and obedience to Him. Today, recommit your life to serving God and living a life of sacrifice and service.

Reflection Question: What practical act of service can you complete this week?


Raising His eyes to heaven, He said, “Father, the hour has come.”—John 17:1 NASB

In His hour of crisis, Jesus turned to prayer. It was a personal, intimate prayer filled with emotion. In this sacred moment, He spoke with His Father. He talked about the day and hour, knowing that the time had come for the Father to be glorified. Jesus had accomplished the work for which He had been sent. Knowing what was to come, He prayed for the disciples and for all who would believe because of their testimony. He prayed for their protection, sanctification in the truth, and unity. Here, Jesus gave us a model prayer. And our prayer life changes when we follow His example. This is a prayer that begins with an intimate relationship with God when we know Him as our Father. This type of prayer happens when we don’t rush through our prayers but long to spend time with Him. It happens when we feel free to talk about any needs and problems we face, questions and difficult decisions, challenges, anything. We must never take God for granted and always must approach Him with reverence and humility. Yet something wonderful happens when we have an intimate, personal relationship with Him. Today, follow the example Jesus gave you. Approach God as your Father. Talk with Him openly and freely. Pour out your heart to Him. Listen to His voice. Fill your life with His Word, and seek to have an intimate relationship with Him.

Reflection Question: Compose a prayer asking God how you can know Him on a deeper level.